Friday, May 09, 2014

Ten years in the Blogosphere

My blog will be 10 years old tomorrow and this is my 5,297th blogpost.

That works out to an average of 530 posts a year, so I can’t be accused of neglecting it.

I put a counter on it in May, 2006 and since then there have been more than 325,500 page views. I don’t know if that’s impressive or not, but there it is.


I enjoy blogging from the road, especially on long motorcycle trips.

So, in August, 2004, I bought a used Treo 300 cell phone on Ebay. You couldn’t call it a smartphone, not at least by today’s standards. It was just a tricked-out PDA (personal digital assistant) that could access the internet.

I upgraded a year later to a Treo 600 which had a rudimentary camera.

Soon after, I bought a fold-out keyboard to use with the 600, so I wouldn’t have to type with my thumbs, which can be tedious for long passages of text.


It worked OK, but it was just another thing to carry around and was a bit of a hassle to set up.

Then, in October, 2006, I moved up again, this time to the Treo 700. It had a better camera, but I was back to typing with my thumbs.

What I had always really wanted was a small laptop computer that could fit easily into my motorcycle saddlebags and withstand the bumps and jolts of motorcycle travel.

sprint aircard[3]

The breakthrough came in March, 2009, when I bought a Dell Inspiron Mini 9 netbook.

It came with a solid-state hard drive – no moving parts to get beaten up. Free Wifi was still a little scarce in those days, so I added a Sprint AirCard and bit the bullet on the $60 monthly connection fee.

Within a couple of years, however, free Wifi had become more prolific – McDonald’s, Panera, Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, etc. – so I sold the AirCard on Ebay and since then have relied on my ability to find Wifi when I want it.

The Mini 9 is soldiering along in its sixth year. I’ve replaced the SSD hard drive three or four times, but I’ve been smart enough to protect my data by putting everything I create onto an SD card that serves as a D drive for the netbook.

I don’t think anyone makes netbooks anymore. They were a very big deal in 2009, but the market has shifted to tablets. I like a real keyboard, so I’ll stick to my netbook as long as I can.

It will be interesting to see what technology I’m using in another 10 years.

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