Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tempus fugit


This is one of three photos I posted this morning on a Lafayette, Ind. nostalgia page on Facebook recording tornado damage to a couple of gas stations on North River Road on April 27, 1994.

Although it seems like last month, I was mildly shocked to realize that was 20 years ago.

That realization of the passage of time has been my constant companion the last few weeks as I root through my photo archives, looking for negatives and slides that might be of interest to one or more of the Facebook groups where I post my finds.

Twenty years! And many of the images I’ve scanned recently go back nearly 50 years. How the hell did I get to be so old and why don’t I feel old?

Having nearly 69 years of experiences in my database goes a long way toward explaining why I have a little trouble relating to the problems and concerns of 20-somethings. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, wore out the t-shirt and threw it away.

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