Friday, May 30, 2014

Lisa is 10 years old!


It sure doesn’t seem like 10 years ago that Maria and I drove straight through the night from Colorado to Cincinnati to be on hand for the birth of our first and only grandchild.

Yes, Lisa Ellington Flora is 10 years old today and she continues to be a source of joy and pride for us.

I shot this iPhone photo of her with her iPad when I visited Steve and Nicky and Lisa last September.

Lisa was born with a cleft lip and palate and has endured several surgeries, with more to come. Through it all, she’s maintained a sunny disposition and a quirky sense of humor that reminds me very much of her great-grandfather, my dad.

Lisa is, without question, the wisest, smartest (they’re not always the same thing), most clever and most beautiful 10-year-old I have ever known and I’m so proud that this amazing little Force of Nature carries the Flora family name.

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