Sunday, May 18, 2014

Flora family portrait, 1970


I rediscovered this portrait of my parents and their dog Snoopy this evening.

It was the spring of 1970 and dad had just picked a bowl of strawberries from the little patch he cultivated in the back yard. He turned 60 in March and mom was a few days short of her 55th birthday.

Dad was still working as an independent insurance agent and Realtor with an office on the north side of the courthouse square. Mom, a Registered Nurse, was still working in Dr. George Wagoner’s office.

Snoopy was a sweet little female pup I gave them five years earlier just before I went off to Air Force basic training. Got her from the Lafayette Humane Society.

She was a free range dog in an era when such things were tolerated. Several neighbors welcomed her into their homes for treats and naps. One neighbor, Ralph Melin, took her on car rides when he went downtown for errands.

She hated my harmonica playing and howled in protest until I stopped.

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