Saturday, May 03, 2014

A splendid day and it’s not even noon yet


Dora, being excruciatingly cute, seems to get most of the photographic attention, so I decided Jack should have his portrait made this morning and, being a damn good dog, he obliged me.

This promises to be the perfect spring Saturday. It was the season opener for the ASU Farmers Market and the place was jammed with more vendors than we’ve ever seen. We went dogless because Dora has become a rowdy little girl who needs more leash training before we can take her out in public.

Nevertheless, there were plenty of dogs at the market, including a very shy rescue border collie named Sarah Palin who didn’t seem to be enjoying herself and was pretty focused on getting back to the car and going home. She did, however, let me pet her and gaze into her lovely brown eyes.

We had hoped to score some early tomatoes, but the best we could do was four tomato plants and a delicious sourbread cinnamon roll.

I determined that I don’t need an appointment to get the low beam headlight bulb changed on my K1200GT at the Memphis BMW dealership, so I plan to ride there Tuesday morning. I replaced both bulbs – high and low beam – at BMW Motorcycles of Western Oregon in Tigard, Ore. in July, 2010, so I guess it would be prudent to change out the high beam bulb while we’re at it. Then I can forget about it for another four years or so.

As you may recall, I spent several hours changing a low beam bulb on that bike in June 2006. The problem is that there is very little room for human hands inside the fairing where the bulbs go because of the space lost to the motor that raises and lowers the windscreen. Were it not for Peggy Garrison’s tiny hands, we never would have gotten it done.

I have since learned that BMW technicians ignore the standard procedure and just remove fairing sections to access the headlight components, something I don’t care to do either.

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