Friday, May 23, 2014

46 years ago this spring


From Wikipedia:

In early March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson asked Indiana Gov. Roger D. Branigin to run as his stand-in during the Indiana Democratic presidential primary. Branigin agreed and campaigned earnestly as a Hoosier candidate representing Hoosiers. When Johnson announced he would drop out of the race on March 31, Branigin decided to continue his campaign, hoping to control the state's votes at the Democratic convention in Chicago later that summer. Despite a hard-fought campaign and early leads in the polls, Branigin lost the Indiana primary to Robert Kennedy. Branigin earned 238,700 votes compared to Kennedy's 328,118, but he came in ahead of third-place finisher Eugene McCarthy.

Someone in The Indianapolis News City Room decided to see how many phrases could be squeezed out of a Branigin bumper sticker. Here’s the result. I like Gin Brain.


Here I am at work on a news story that spring. I was 22 years old, newly married and a new father. I looked pretty new, didn’t I.

Notice the typewriter, children. It was a mechanical writing device that preceded the computer and wrote directly onto paper.

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