Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep, the promise of another spring-like warm day, and knowing an eagerly awaited package is “out for delivery” by FedEx to brighten my morning.

And the sound of crop dusting aircraft fills the air. In the north, the advent of spring is heralded by the sighting of the first robin or the distinctive song of the cardinal. Here in the mid-South, it’s the sound of crop dusters buzzing to and fro over the cotton fields.

Our friend Charlie is back in the hospital with a mystery fever and mild cough that may or may not be pneumonia. I was going to brighten his day with a carry-out Mexican lunch, but he texted that he has tests and may not be in his room at lunchtime, so we’ll reschedule his break from hospital food.

My short motorcycle ride yesterday has me jonesing for more, but I’m torn between wanting to ride, needing to work out and wanting to watch for the FedEx truck. What to do?

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