Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Good news, bad news

I got an email this morning from the home warranty company that covers our Thorntown house against system failures and other such problems, telling me that they have approved my claim for $340.06 worth of furnace repairs, less a $75 deductible.

All they need to complete the process is for me to FAX the paid invoice paperwork – the same paperwork I sent them as a pdf which led to the approval.

Yeah, I know. But if that’s what it takes, I can drive in to town to the FedEx store and FAX the stuff.

In the meantime, my luck has run out when it comes to avoiding the series of colds that have afflicted Maria for weeks. I had the first symptoms of a headcold last night and it was unmistakable by this morning.

The last time I had a cold was January, 2012, and I seem to have cut it short with hemp seed oil and Benadryl. So I’m trying the same remedy this time and hoping for the best.

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