Friday, February 21, 2014

Gentleman Jack Flora


Installing a 27” monitor on my hideously cluttered desk this week forced me to sort through the papers piled there.

And that’s how I rediscovered the paperwork we got from Briarbrook Kennels in Carthage, Mo. when we acquired Jack on November 20, 2011.

For various reasons, I never got around to registering him with the American Kennel Club. Chief among the reasons (not counting the paperwork getting lost on my desk) was our inability to settle on an official name for him.

My initial thought was to name him Briarbrook’s Jumpin’ Jack Flash, but Maria pointed out the Satanic vibe to the name and nixed it.

Now, two years later, we’ve had time to observe Jack and appreciate his finer qualities, many of which were brought out by bringing Dora into our home at a puppy last June.

While Jack still can’t be trusted off the leash in the house because of his penchant for stealing clothing items and kitchen counter-surfing, we have been impressed with his loving and nurturing nature when it comes to Dora. He plays with her with infinite patience, gently corrects her when necessary and makes it clear that he is her champion and protector.

As dogs go, Jack has become the consummate gentleman.

So henceforth, his official AKC moniker is Briarbrook’s Gentleman Jack Flora.

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