Thursday, January 23, 2014

She did it again

dora tunnel 2

Dora dug her way out of the back yard again this morning.

I discovered her escape when I prepared to kennel the dogs so they would be warm (it’s 19 degrees) and safe while I went in to town to run some errands.

Once again, I ran outside through the garage and shouted for her several times in different directions. About a minute later, she came racing up from the front yard.

I escorted her to her kennel in the bedroom, kenneled Jack and went out to find the new tunnel. It was about 10 feet to the left of the original escape route, making it clear we’re going to have to take some kind of decisive action to prevent further tunneling under the chainlink fence.

In the meantime, I blocked the access with a couple of plastic lawn chairs which I hope are too awkward and heavy for her to move.

I let her back into the yard later and watched carefully as she examined the barrier, poking her nose in and around the chairs to look for a way under or around them. She finally gave up and walked away, but minutes later was observed digging in a new spot.

Just in case she makes it out again, I put her collar on. It has her rabies tag and a tag with her name and our phone number. In addition, both of our dogs are microchipped.


  1. Friends of ours had a Labrador. They would let her out back, go to work and when they came home she was waiting in the back yard. One day, they came home early and saw her walking to the house on the sidewalk. They picked her up and brought her the rest of the way home and looked for how she was getting out. They could not find the hole. They came home another day even earlier and found her at a street corner hanging with a hotdog stand guy like it as her job. They stopped and asked the man about it and he said she comes to his stand every day, hangs out, h gives her the dogs he doesn't sell at the end of the day and she leaves. They were never able to figure out how she got out.
