Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Random stuff

It’s time for a blogpost of random thoughts, since I’m too lazy to crank out an essay on any particular subject.

  • Lunching yesterday at Five Guys Burgers & Fries, I noticed as guy in a Nike golf jacket wearing a duck call on a lanyard around his neck. He didn’t look like a duck hunter, certainly not like the Duck Commander guys, but there it was.
  • I don’t like the Travelocity Gnome. He reminds me of someone I know and dislike.
  • I’m starting to have thoughts about riding to Daytona Beach Bike Week in March. Now that I have a hardwired plug for my heated electric clothing, I’m way better prepared for a chilly 1,000-mile ride than I was last year.
  • I did 2.21 miles in 40 minutes on the treadmill this morning and find I have to work harder to get my heart rate up. Conversely, my recovery time has improved dramatically.
  • I finally got down to our downtown office building to replace missing the electrical outlet cover plate in the lobby of one of the two businesses. It went walkabout last year when exterminators treated the place for termites.
  • Tomorrow’s to-do list includes a haircut, getting a new LLC endorsement stamp made to reflect the new name of our bank, and making an appointment with a CPA to see how the LLC affects our tax preparation this year.
  • Waking up with an adorable blue merle Aussie in bed between us is a wonderful thing. Dora likes it too, as she luxuriates in the folds of the down comforter.
  • I can’t find a new book to like on my Amazon Kindle. Maybe tonight…

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