Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Going, going…


I drove to town this afternoon to run some errands, including stopping at Lowe’s to pick up a dark brown electrical outlet plate for our downtown rental property.

Much to my amazement, Lowe’s has no plates in dark brown plastic. They have huge sections for white and ivory, but no dark brown.

Then my eyes fell upon a huge supply of soon-to-be-extinct 60 watt incandescent light bulbs. By EPA (Employment Prevention Agency) decree, these are not to be produced after Jan. 1, but stores are permitted to sell their remaining stocks.

I bought four eight-packs at $4.48 per package because I want a good supply of them for the chandelier that hangs over our kitchen table.

Curiously, the ACE hardware on U.S. 49 is out of dark brown switch and outlet plates, but an employee ordered some and expects to have them by Friday.

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