Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fucked again by the Post Office

Dora has won a reprieve, of sorts.

The FedEx Smartpost system delivered the electric fence charger I ordered from to the Brookland Post Office at 9:01 a.m. yesterday.

There were three packages waiting for me in one of the larger package boxes when I picked up the mail, but they were a couple of Amazon
Vine program items and a dog game.

It appears that the woman who sorts the packages put my fence charger into another package box and stuck the key into someone else’s post office box. When I went in search of my package this afternoon, it was not to be found in any of the parcel boxes, suggesting someone picked it up and took it home. Since it wasn’t returned to the post office today as misdelivered, it may be that whoever got it plans to keep it.

This is the second time in two months that this woman has put one of my packages in the wrong parcel box. I don’t want to seem vindictive, but I’ve always thought of the U.S. Postal Service as having a sacred trust with the American people to make sure we get our mail.

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