Friday, January 10, 2014

2013 was my worst riding year in 27 years

k12002013 k752013 I finally got around to calculating my BMW motorcycle mileage for 2013 this morning and the result is singularly depressing.

I only rode 5,016 miles last year, making it my lowest mileage year since I started keeping records in 1986. I put 2,986 miles on the 1003 K1200GT and 2,030 miles on the 1994 K75S.

I had high hopes for 2013 that included Daytona Beach Bike Week, the European Riders Rally in Burkesville, Ky., in May, the BMWRA Rally in Asheville, N.C. in June, the BMWMOA Rally in Salem, Ore. in July, and the Falling Leaf Rally in Potosi, Mo. in October.

But health and cash flow problems intervened and conspired to keep me home much of the riding season, so I never made it to the Euro Riders Rally, the RA, and the MOA. If things had gone as planned, I would have racked up more than the 10,000 miles required for a 10K award from the Indianapolis BMW Club.

My wish list for 2014 includes Daytona (maybe), Burkesville, the MOA in Minneapolis and Potosi. As long as I’m dreaming, a Western tour including Portland and Las Vegas to see both of my sons and a visit to the Baloughs in Alma, Colo. would make me very happy.

We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. From the looks of your map, we need to get you up to Maine.
