Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday morning update

jack tv

The fact that I have not blogged since Thursday has not gone unnoticed. I am mindful that the best way to get readers out of the habit of reading your blog is to not post fresh content daily. I have no excuse except to say I was uninspired and was busy taking care of Maria who is ill and requires lots of bed rest, fluids, and electrolytes.

When she’s not in bed, she’s on the couch or in a chair in the living room, while we watch hours of America’s Funniest Home Videos. Jack, as this photo from last night attests, is very interested in videos with dogs in them. He is the first dog I’ve ever had who can perceive images on a TV screen. Happily, Dora has the same ability. For all his brilliance, Pete was never a TV watcher and neither was Ruthie.

BTW, the little ceramic Christmas tree on the curio cabinet belonged to my mother. It used to have a golden plastic star on the top, but it is broken and lost. We haven’t put up a Christmas tree in the six years we’ve lived here, so Mom’s little ceramic piece will have to do.

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