Monday, December 30, 2013

Ralphie and tire pressures

ralphie ornament

We have not had a Christmas tree, real or artificial, since we moved to Arkansas in 2007.

Maria decided we needed one about a week ago and found a good deal on a pre-austin tirelit with LEDs, 6-foot-tall artificial tree on and ordered it, but it didn’t arrive until Dec. 26.

Nevertheless, we set it up in the foyer and this morning I hung the first ornament – a charming image of Ralphie and his Red Ryder BB gun that Austin and Megan gave me.

They ended their week-long visit this morning and rolled out about 10 a.m. after Austin checked the tire pressures on his Nissan Versa.

They plan to stop at Lambert’s CafĂ© in Sikeston, Mo. for lunch and probably a couple of throwed rolls before pressing on to Boomland and ultimately home to Indiana.

We thoroughly enjoyed having them here.

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