Wednesday, December 04, 2013

It’s painfully obvious that Cigna doesn’t want to talk to its customers

My friend Charlie noticed the Cigna Medicare Part D card in my wallet last Saturday and mentioned that he has Cigna and his premium is going up significantly.

Since I have until Dec. 7 to change insurers, I called customer service several minutes ago and am now enduring their music-on-hold.

The voice messages are crystal clear, but the classical music is hideously garbled to the point of being painful to listen to. I can only conclude that it’s intentionally distorted in an effort to drive callers away. I’m willing to bet they hired a recording engineer to create this hideous noise, masquerading as music, to discourage callers from remaining on hold.

It’s like listening to a weak station on a short wave radio with a tinny speaker where the signal fades in and out, but is never clear and distortion free.

They try to nudge callers in the direction of hanging up by suggesting they call back after 5 p.m. local time.

I endured it for about 20 minutes before I got to talk with a customer service rep. Turns out my premium for 2014 will be less than I’m paying in 2013. How strange is that?

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