Sunday, December 01, 2013

Claiming my 2014 mug, bad hair and all


It looks like I was having a bad hair day yesterday afternoon when I drove down to Memphis to claim my 2014 mug and bring home my 2012 mug.

That’s my BMW riding friend Charlie on the right, looking pretty good for the weeks of chemotherapy he’s endured. The guy behind me is also a BMW rider. I forget his name, but he rode his 1990 K1000LT to Boscos for the occasion.

The Boscos mug club is a semi-exclusive organization that costs $60 a year. You get your own numbered mug that is stored in racks above the bar. When you visit, you get a larger portion of the beer of your choice at a reduced rate. And the first beer in your new mug – yesterday was Mug Day – is free.

I opted for Boscos Olde Fool, which is the brew celebrated on the 2014 mug. I had 1½ mugs of it, giving the rest to Charlie because I was getting a bit of a buzz and was mindful that I had a 75.2-mile drive home ahead of me.

I’m starting my third year as a member of the club, although I don’t think I visited Boscos a half-dozen times in 2013. Even so, I guess it gives me street cred as a mid-South resident.

And it’s slightly more exclusive than the Radio Shack Battery Club.

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