Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chip in to help Molly. We did.

We responded to this call for help yesterday. Read the following post, copied from Facebook and if you are moved, call the number and donate a few bucks. They hope to take Molly to surgery on Saturday.

I am sending out this email to those I think may be able to spread the word about Molly, a 3 yr old Australian Shepherd, hit last evening by a plow truck. She presented to our emergency room in her owner’s arms, unable to walk and bleeding. A quick assessment demonstrated that she was mentally okay (and even wagged her tail!) and did not appear to have serious internal injury. X-rays however, revealed that she has broken all 4 limbs.
The owner stated when he arrived to the ER that he had no means to care for Molly’s injuries and asked about taking her home to die. The doctor on duty discussed humane euthanasia. I was spending the night at AVC with my children as the storm meant that my husband would be plowing and clearing the walkways for the evening. When we returned from dinner, I met Molly, heard the story and saw the syringe of euthanasia laying on the counter beside her. “Is there another option for her” I asked myself.
So with confidence that we could get a group of people to help Molly we offered surrender to the owner, to allow us to make decisions for her. The owner, in tears, agreed to give her up. He left the building crying.
As Molly’s owner drove away, the receptionist who was clearing the walkways, noticed the license plate, “Veteran.” This man came to us with no money, no plan and no expectation. I want to give a veteran something wonderful for Christmas … his dog. Will you help me get the word out?
I am looking for 200 people to contribute $20 or 400 people to contribute $10. These are fractures that I cannot repair myself and will need to bring in a surgeon. I estimate our cost to the surgeon will approach $4000. We feel that Molly’s injuries are treatable.
All Better Pets is our 501(c) non-profit, created for abandoned, injured, homeless animals. To date we have cared for and placed over 200 pets. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation for Molly’s care, please call (603-669-2002) or email ( or even better, stop by to see us!
*If requested we can send you a receipt. Any donation can be claimed on your tax return.
Dr. Deborah Kelloway


This just in. As of 11 a.m. CST:

We have reached our goal! Thank you everyone for your support for Molly! She is doing great. Surgery is scheduled for Saturday. We anticipate she will need about 2 weeks in the hospital to recover.
All Better Pets has nothing in reserve. In the past, the shelter has been funded by Dr. Kelloway and volunteers have generously given of their time (walking, feeding, bathing, nursing care). The shelter is extremely careful with how it uses any funds. If you would like to give additional donations these will be put toward the shelter fund in anticipation that another pet will come through the emergency room with only 1 option ... euthanasia. While we do not believe in unnecessary suffering, we will never refuse to care for an abandoned pet in need. This is not possible without the wonderful support from all of you (financial, emotional, physical, spiritual!).

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