Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday morning mocha cappuccino and stuff

jrcupIt’s coming up on 9 a.m. and I’m finally getting to enjoy my mocha cappuccino, served this morning in a 2007 Crawfordsville Journal Review cup.

Funny, I never noticed the date on it until I shot this photo.

We’re experiencing a changing of the dogs this weekend. Morgan is going on vacation and we promised to take Samantha J. Bulldog while she is gone. She brought Sam over earlier this week and Sam and Liese took an instant disliking to each other that was so extreme that we separated them immediately and had to re-think our dog-sitting arrangements.

We conferred with Liese’s parents, Deb and Charlie, and concluded the best course is to board Liese with our mutually shared vet until Deb and Charlie come home from his medical treatments in Little Rock on Tuesday.

Consequently, I loaded Liese, her blanket and a Kong into the Lexus at 7:30 a.m. today and delivered her to the vet’s office/kennels.

I had all three dogs in the house last night while Maria did homework in the upstairs office. I was dozing on the couch when she woke me about 10:30 to announce that Dora had dropped more than a half-dozen semi-solid doglogs onto the office carpet about 10 feet behind Maria’s back. I guess Maria didn’t realize anything was amiss until the smell hit her.

She did the initial cleanup, but there were still stains on the rug, so I loaded the Bissell carpet shampooer with water and soap, hauled it up the stairs and scrubbed away the poop stains. It’s the first time any part of the office carpet has been cleaned since we installed it six years ago, so I now have motivation to do the rest of it sometime soon.

That said, I continue to be impressed with the Bissell ProHeat 2X machine. It was an excellent investment and has lifted more pet stains than I can count.

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