Thursday, November 07, 2013

LifeLock to the rescue

I got an email this afternoon from LifeLock warning me that some of my personal info from my Adobe account has turned up where identity thieves can access it.

I didn’t even remember having an Adobe account, but I guess I created it in connection with my copy of Photoshop.

Here’s the LifeLock info:

Usernames and passwords that were stolen earlier this year from Adobe have turned up on black market websites where identity thieves can access them. We're contacting you today because we have detected some of your personal information on these websites, and we recommend that you take the steps listed below.
Adobe announced last month that some of its customers' usernames and passwords had been stolen.

The company says it reset the stolen passwords and notified its customers. Adobe also says the stolen data included credit-card information for some of its customers. That data was encrypted, and it's not clear whether the hackers have the ability to decode it. What we found on black-market websites related to you was only your username and password.
You can learn more about the breach and Adobe's response by reading the Adobe Customer Security Alert. Please take the important steps below to protect your personal information.

LifeLock Member Services

Interesting that I never was notified by Adobe. I changed my password immediately.

Thank you, LifeLock.

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