Monday, October 07, 2013

Pedometer review

syncI received one of these little $29.99 electronic pedometers from the Vine Program to review last week. Here’s the review I wrote this morning:

This is a good little pedometer for the money. I've been wearing it every day for the past week and am impressed with its simplicity. It's a bit unsettling to see how few calories I burn on the days when I don't hit the treadmill at the gym, but I guess that's how it works as a motivator.
The interface with the MapMyWalk app on my iPhone 5 is a different story, however, and that's why I give it 4 stars instead of 5.
The instructions that come with the unit say to connect it with the audio jack on my smartphone, crank the volume up all the way on the phone, and "press the SYNC button on the MapMyWalk application."
The problem is, there is no SYNC button on the app.
Once you have the app running, the sequence is SETTINGS>EQUIPMENT>HEART RATE & OTHER SENSORS>SYNC DEVICES>SYNC ACTIVITY TRACKER. Make sure your Bluetooth feature is turned on. It took several attempts before I was able to synch the device, but I finally made it happen. Once you accomplish this, the devices are paired.
Subsequent synchings are accomplishing by going to WORKOUTS and clicking the "Update SYNC Activity Tracker" button.
This is all outlined in an online tutorial at:
It's a great little product that just needs clearer instructions in the user guide that comes in the package.

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