Saturday, October 26, 2013

Here and gone


Gene and Sandra, Maria’s parents, left about an hour ago for their Indiana home.

We had a great visit and wish they could have stayed longer.

They visited Morgan’s new house, toured her library and bought some books, and got a tour of our downtown office building. We never got to explore the cotton harvest and a cotton gin, so that will have to wait for another time.

And once again, I am impressed by how well our house works for hosting visitors. The west end of the house has a two-bedroom, one-bath guest suite that can be closed off for privacy with a pocket door. Maria has her quilting machinery and supplies in one of the bedrooms, but the other is newly furnished with a kingsize bed with a memory foam mattress that has won rave reviews from all who have used it.

About the only thing the guest room lacks is a TV and I’m hopeful that we can fill that need sometime in the near future.

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