Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Checking in with Jack and Dora


We’re having another perfect autumn day here with temperatures climbing out of the upper 40s, low humidity and heading for a high of only 81.

What better time to check in on the adventures of Jack and Dora?

Dora is filling out a little, but still looks like a lanky coyote. She and Jack are still in love.

We’ve abandoned our earlier plan to let Dora have a little of pups with Jack because:

  • It’s inadvisable to keep them separated every time she goes into heat between now and her second birthday on May 1, 2015.
  • The expense of doing all of the necessary testing and vaccinations of a litter of 8-10 puppies is beyond our financial reach at present.
  • We’d rather offer Jack for stud and get one of his puppies as payment.

That said, Dora continues to be a source of joy and a wonderful companion for Jack and us.

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