Thursday, August 22, 2013

My personal postal express

k75s postoffice

I rode down to the post office a few minutes ago to collect our mail.

The round trip is about 6 miles and at the current price of 89 octane gasoline, I reckon the ride costs me about 15 or 16 cents. Some days, that’s the only motorcycle ride I take, so it’s a lot of pleasure for 16 cents.

Even though home delivery has been available in our subdivision for a couple of years, we prefer to get our mail in our post office box for a variety of reasons:

  • It’s more secure. It’s an easy task for identity thieves and other dirtbags to steal mail from rural mailboxes.
  • It keeps our physical address confidential from everyone who has no business knowing it.
  • It makes it more likely that we will continue to receive mail on Saturdays, should the post office make good on its threat to stop Saturday home delivery.
  • It gives me an excuse for a ride.

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