Monday, August 05, 2013

Just checking in

3DIt’s a rainy day, which gives me an excuse to put off mowing the lawn until tomorrow or maybe even later.

I’ve run out of images to scan for the high school reunion slideshow and Facebook page, so I hope some folks offer more photos so we can have more than 200 images in the rotation.

I found the baptismal certificate for my uncle John A. Dietz, who died in 1939 at the age of 19 from injuries suffered in a horse riding accident. He was my mother’s younger brother and his fatal injury is probably why she didn’t like seeing me on a horse or a motorcycle. I scanned the document and tried to email it to my cousin Sam Groninger in Nashville, Tenn., but discovered his email address is no longer functioning. Turns out he has a Facebook account, but it doesn’t look like he uses it much, but I’ve put in a friend request and remain guardedly optimistic about a response.

I’m overdue for a haircut, so I’ll quit here and head into town.

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