Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday morning stuff

dora farmers market

We took Dora to the ASU Farmers Market this morning for socialization and to, well, let people admire her.

And they did. She got petted and cooed over and held by several people, including this boy whose mom knows Cowboy, the mini Aussie who was Jack’s best buddy in puppy school a year ago.

We loaded up on a dozen roasting ears for $4, $5 worth of tomatoes and a seedless watermelon for $3.50.

We had some of the corn for an early lunch and decided the corn from another stand, selling for $5 a dozen ears was probably more tender.

After lunch, I rode the K75S down to pick up the mail and a bag of Dollar General ice. The ice maker in our Whirlpool refrigerator has crapped out and the middle of an Arkansas July is not a time to be without ice. I have a call in to the appliance repair guys and I expect to hear from them on Monday.

BTW, the speedometer on the K75S continues to perform flawlessly.

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