Monday, June 10, 2013

Yikes! I did it again!

clean GT

It felt so novel and so good to have washed the 1994 K75S last week that I felt compelled to give my 2003 K1200GT its first Arkansas wash after nearly six years of residence.

armorallIt was hot and sweaty work this morning, so I did kind of a slap-dash job. Hardly what you would call detailing, but the bike is no longer conspicuously buggy or dirty.

BTW, ArmorAll Wash & Wax is pretty good stuff and did a decent job of washing off the bug splat. I borrowed a little from my stepdaughter to wash the K75S last week and bought a bottle for myself at AutoZone yesterday afternoon.

As with the K75S, I pretty much left the wheels alone. Some day when I’m feeling really ambitious, I’ll get some Mr. Clean scrubbing pads and get after the grease, dirt and brake dust accumulated on the wheels of both bikes.

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