Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Another day of Arkansas spring rain

I’m back at my regular table at Panera for the first time in several days.

It’s raining. Again.

We were awakened by a thunderclap about 3 a.m. by a storm that dumped an inch of water into my rain gauge. The rain abated long enough for me to ride the K75S to the post office about 12:30 p.m., but fired up again around 3 p.m. I left the house about 4 o’clock and noticed we had another half-inch of water in the gauge.

There are storms lined up all the way out to Oklahoma City, so I’ll be curious to see what’s in the rain gauge tomorrow morning.

Setting up my netbook, I found myself listening to the worst cover of Rhiannon I’ve ever heard. I fired up the Soundhound app on my iPhone and it identified the perpetrators as a group called Best Coast from an album of Fleetwood Mac cover songs. The background music here is usually okay, but this song wasn’t.

I hope someone is collecting shoes for the victims of yesterday’s tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. When Joplin, Mo., was hit two years ago this week, our friend Susan checked with relief organizations there to find out what they needed most and the answer was shoes. A lot of people lose their shoes when a tornado hits and it’s hell trying to walk barefoot through the sharp, pointy debris. Susan organized a shoe drive and we took about three trailer loads of shoes to Joplin a couple of days later.

Moore is about 6 1/2 hours from here. If Susan does another shoe drive, I’ll go along to document it, like it did the last one.

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