Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Poised for takeoff

gt almost ready

The bike is packed and loaded and ready for a frosty 8:30 a.m. departure.

I’m meeting Charlie and Tom at a gas station in Jonesboro where we’ll top off our tanks and hit the road for Daytona Beach Bike Week.

I don’t relish riding out of here in the low 30s and if I had my druthers, I’d wait a couple of days and leave in the 50s, but we have a schedule to keep, so I’ll dial up the Gerbings heated jacket liner and gloves, switch on my heated seat and just deal with it.

We expect to make it to Birmingham or Montgomery, Ala. by tomorrow evening and ride on to Daytona – Bunnell, actually – Thursday.

In the meantime, Maria has company staying with her, is heavily armed and protected by a particularly powerful and fierce bulldog.

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