Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The contact lens saga continues…

glasses bugeyeAs I blogged yesterday, I’m stuck wearing glasses until I can get a new prescription for contacts.

That, it turns out, isn’t as easy as I had hoped.

My optometrist, Dr. Lee St.Pierre, isn’t in the network of service providers with our new vision insurance and isn’t interested in being in the network. That means he just forfeited all of his patients who work at Maria’s newspaper, as well as their covered family members. He also cannot write a provisional prescription so I can order my left lenses.

So I called our insurer and got a list of optometrists who are in the network, called one and now have an appointment for an eye exam and new prescription for 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

With any luck, I could be back in contact lenses by weekend after next.

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