Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lisa and lunch

lisa battlezone

My son Steve took granddaughter Lisa to an orthodontia appointment this morning and sent me this photo of her playing the 1980s arcade game Battle Zone.

It’s significant because Steve and I and his brother Sean became masters of Battle Zone after we discovered the ram-back up-shoot technique. Once we had that down, the only thing that could stop us was the hated buzz bombs streaking in.

There was a Battle Zone game at the campground near Hart, Mich., where Northern Illinois University conducted its landmark trail riding course. I took both boys through the course on consecutive summers and we owned the Battle Zone game there.

salmon01And speaking of Sean, I feasted on a sockeye salmon fillet that has been waiting patiently in our freezer since he and his wife Ruth sent us a package of delicious seafood for Christmas 2011.

They sent more salmon this Christmas, so I have much to look forward to.

Trying to get the meat thermometer to read 140° I overcooked it a bit, but it was still fabulous.

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