Saturday, January 12, 2013

Indiana and back in 36 hours

LA quilterI rolled out at 5:36 a.m. yesterday on a mission to pick up a long-arm quilter from a fellow Indianapolis BMW Club member.

Seems the woman is more into embroidery than quilting and needed the space and the money, but happily not a lot of money.

Maria has been jonesing for a long-arm quilter for years and was pretty much resigned to the idea that she would never own one.

The seller and her husband and I spent a couple of hours dismantling the frame lauri quilterand spindles of the 10-foot-wide machine so as to jam it into the back of my Lexus RX330 SUV.

Then I was off to the rural Crawfordsville home of Jim and Lauri where I was fed beer and pizza and allowed to crawl off to bed about 8 p.m.

I got up 12 hours later, had breakfast and gave Lauri a chance to touch the machine before Maria could – all in good fun, you understand.

Then I hit the road about 9 a.m., gassing in Crawfordsville and again amid a torrential downpour at Boomland and arriving at home at 4:17 p.m.

Maria’s working tonight, so we’ll wait until tomorrow to unload the car and figure out where to set it up.

Trip stats:

  • 952 miles
  • 15 hours, 16 minutes in motion
  • 60 mph average speed
  • 82 mph top speed

boomland gas

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