Sunday, November 04, 2012

Boscos in Memphis

deb charlie 15th boscos

The renewal period for my Boscos Mug Club membership is here, so we drove down to Memphis so I could re-up.

We arrived at Boscos about 11:15 a.m., after stopping by our favorite bagel place for a half-dozen bagels.

After we learned we had a 40-minute wait to be seated, Maria pointed out a couple of familiar-looking BMW GS bikes parked at the curb and wondered if they were Deb and Charlie’s. I called Charlie’s cell phone and asked if those were his bikes I was looking at.

He confirmed that they were and invited us to join them and two other couples gathered to commemorate Deb and Charlie’s 15th anniversary.

As the photo suggests, a good time was had by all.

And I renewed my mug club membership for 2013.

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