Wednesday, November 21, 2012

At last–a freezer in the garage

Our new Maytag 15.8 cubic foot freezer is humming away in the garage, lowering its internal temperature to 0ºF.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe bought a freezer Sunday at the Home Depot with delivery scheduled for this morning. Sure enough, the phone rang about 7:45 a.m. with the driver announcing he would be here soon.
He unloaded the freezer and went on his way and I set about unboxing it. That’s when I discovered it was damaged. There was a puncture in the metal on the starboard side that, upon inspection, coincided with a hole in the cardboard packing box. I would live with a small dent, but this was through the enamel and would eventually rust.
So I phoned the Home Depot and, to my surprise, the woman in charge of deliveries hunted up a replacement, unboxed and inspected it and sent it our way pronto. The replacement freezer was in our driveway by 10:45 a.m. and I had it unpacked, leveled, door handle attached and running by 11 a.m.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think I would have gotten the same quick response out of Lowe’s on the day before Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've had better luck with HD than I did. I have to take a deep breath before I walk thru their door. On the other hand, Lowe's has done fine by us.
