Friday, October 26, 2012

Close, but no cigar

jimmy miller

Scrolling through my online copy of the Carmel Pine Cone this morning, I noticed this story about the Nov. 1 performance of the perennially reconstituted Glenn Miller Orchestra in Pacific Grove, Calif.

Unfortunately, whoever put the page together didn’t realize the photo of Glenn Miller isn’t Glenn Miller at all.

It’s a promotional still of Jimmy Stewart in the title role of the 1954 movie, “The Glenn Miller Story.”

This is the kind of thing that happens when your staff is too young to know the difference between one of the most famous actors of the 1940s and ‘50s and one of the most famous big band leaders of the 1940s. And this is why you need older eyes to look for details like this before you go to press.

I suspect the paper has already been deluged with reader comments about this gaffe.

Here’s the photo of Glenn Miller that the Stewart pose copied:


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