Tuesday, September 25, 2012



This is where I’d be this afternoon if I had my druthers – gazing north at the Big Creek Bridge south of Big Sur on the Pacific Coast Highway.

I shot this photo at 2:10 p.m., July 23, 2010 – the last time I rode my favorite road.

I’ve done precious little riding this year – the European Riders Rally near Nashville in June, the BMW MOA Rally in Sedalia, Mo., in July, and the Indianapolis MotoGP last month. The only ride I have left to look forward to is up to Potosi, Mo., next month for the Falling Leaf Rally and that’s dependent upon weather.

I feel stuck – have for months – largely because of family uncertainties that I can’t discuss here.

A friend posted this on Facebook this morning:

On the 19 of September Ganesh Chaturthi began and is celebrated all over India. Hindus believe that Sri Ganesha is the remover of obstacles. His presence is felt on the earth for 10 days. I hope that ganeshColour500you are all feeling his effects! Jaya Ganesha!

Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu god, is also associated with protecting entrances. But it’s the obstacle-remover Ganesha that appeals to me and I’ve kept a small carved wood statue of him on my desk for several years to serve as the remover of writer’s block.

Various things have come to pass in the past few days to suggest that obstacles in our lives are crumbling and that positive change is in the wind. Whether it’s Ganesha or some other force at work, I’m guardedly optimistic that we’re getting unstuck.

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