Friday, September 14, 2012

Señor Frogger


There’s a Mexican restaurant called La Cascada on U.S. 49 south of our house and it’s right across the highway from Jordan’s Kwik Stop, a convenience store/gas station.

The folks who work at La Cascada – mostly young Mexican men – do a lot of to-ing and fro-ing across the highway for snacks or cigarettes or whatever on foot and by bicycle.SeniorFrogs

So when I came upon an accident scene with the AirEvac helicopter landing in a field just south of the convenience store this afternoon and didn’t see any wrecked vehicles, I guessed one of the La Cascada guys got hit crossing the 5-lane, 60 mph highway. And there was an unattended bicycle parked nearby.

I was right.

I later learned Josue Noriego, 28, Brookland was riding his bicycle across the highway when he was hit by a Toyota pickup truck driven by Daniel Barber, 32, of Jonesboro. Barber was arrested on suspicion of DWI/drugs. Noriego was flown to the Regional Medical Center in Memphis for treatment but investigators didn’t think his injuries were life-threatening.

We wish him a quick and complete recovery.

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