Saturday, September 22, 2012

Problem solved


Indianapolis BMW Club friend Rick Nelson stopped by overnight Thursday en route to a BMW Chain Gang (650cc chain-driven bikes) rally in Mena, Ark., over near the Oklahoma border.

Rick was having starting problems – his 2012 Sertao usually starts right up first thing in the morning, but restarts at gas stops were very iffy. The problem apparently baffled the service techs at BMW Motorcycles of Indianapolis and their only suggestion was that he change to iridium spark plugs.

He also suspected that although his battery tested OK at the BMW shop, it may have weak or dead cell.

But when we dug down to the battery yesterday morning to check electrolyte levels, each cell was full. However, the battery cables – especially the ground cable – were not tight. Rick torqued them down properly and, voila!, the bike started right up.

He left around 11:30 a.m. and left voicemail a couple of hours later that restarts at Ace Hardware and the Advance Auto Parts store in Jonesboro went off without a hitch.

We had an exchange of text messages this morning and he reports from Mena that the starting problem appears to be solved. Woo-hoo!

Rick and Deb Lower, also an Indy Club member, are co-chairs of next year’s BMW Motorcycle Owners of America Rally in Salem, Ore.

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