Thursday, September 20, 2012

No photos from the fair, but I did get this

suv fire 72I planned to go to the fair last evening, but decided I didn’t want to sit in a three-mile-long line of traffic to get into the fairgrounds.

It was my fault because I waited until about 6:30 p.m. to go. I should have gone an hour or two earlier when the traffic was lighter.

So I decided to go home instead, but as I approached our road I noticed heavy smoke in the sky and a fire truck coming onto the highway from a side road. Another tenth of a mile on, I found this scene.

This Ford SUV was a repo from Kennett, Mo., being towed to Jonesboro.

The tow truck driver told me he smelled smoke and saw flames, so he stopped and cut the SUV loose, then chased it on foot for about 100 yards to stop it before it careened into the southbound lanes of the highway.

“Don’t make it sound too dramatic,” he told me.

I didn’t. Just telling it straight is dramatic enough.

suv fire72

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