Saturday, September 08, 2012

Good news, bad news

RCP-IV-M5064-CAs I expected, SpinRite found the failed sectors of my 64 GB solid state drive, but failed to recover the data or repair the damage.

So, once again, my Dell Inspiron Mini 9 netbook has been lobotomized.

The good news is that the drive was only 10 months into its two-year warranty period.

The bad news is that 20 months is the longest any of my three RunCore SSDs has lasted.

My Mini 9 came with a puny 8 GB SSD which I used from March to December, 2009 before upgrading to a 32 GB RunCore SSD.

Installed on Dec. 21, 2009, the 32 GB SSD failed three months later in March, 2010. It was replaced under warranty and the replacement lasted from March 17, 2010 to Nov. 3, 2011.

Undaunted, I ponied up $216.49 for the RunCore 64 GB SSD, which I installed in mid-November, 2011. It crashed seven months later in June, but I was able to reinstall Windows XP and nurse it along until it finally flat-lined yesterday.

Checking the seller’s website,, I see that the 64 GB SSD is now down to $119.99 and is also on back order. I filled out the online form this morning to get a replacement under the warranty.

I guess I’ll get a replacement whenever the shipment arrives from China.

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