Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday odds and ends

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACongratulations to my BMW riding friend Charlie Parsons, who retired yesterday after a long and useful career as a pharmacist.

Charlie ran the Super D pharmacy in Paragould, Ark. for several years. He opted to retire this month after Walgreens bought the Super D chain and announced plans to close several Super D stores, including the one in Paragould.

Charlie hired my stepson Austin as a pharmacy tech during Austin’s 11 months with us a couple of years ago.

I look forward to more rides with Charlie, now that he has a little more spare time on his hands.

Today is National Drink Beer Day. I have some Leinenkugel Oktoberfest in the fridge for just such an occasion.

Last night’s deluge deposited 1.1 inches of rain in our rain gauge, almost all of it within a 90-minute period around 7 p.m.

The Carmel Pine Cone weekly newspaper from Carmel, Calif., has this ad in this week’s issue:


Our garage door is back in operation. A couple of guys from Jonesboro Overhead Door Co. installed a new spring, which assists the motor in hauling up the door, yesterday afternoon. The old spring failed a couple of weeks ago and I’d been opening the door manually in the interim and doing most of my to-ing and fro-ing through the front door.

The influence of Ganesh continues to be felt in ways that I can’t discuss here. Yet.

My Indianapolis News compadre Skip Hess’s email appears to be compromised. I got an email from his address this morning that is clearly not from him and contains a highly suspicious URL that I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot mouse.

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