Saturday, August 04, 2012

Pete’s condition is improving

pete healthyWe visited Pete yesterday afternoon at the Animal Medical Center and Dr. Heather Curry said he was much improved and more interested in his surroundings.

They brought him into the examining room with an IV bag tethered to his right front paw. He was overjoyed to see us, making his little happy noises and rubbing up against us.

We called again this morning and Dr. John Huff said he's better still and opined that Pete will likely be ready to go home tomorrow afternoon.

Dr. Huff said a dog’s liver is capable of recovering and healing itself unless it’s completely and irrevocably shut down and it looks like Pete’s liver is rebuilding itself.

We're very hopeful that his liver can recover and he'll be with us for several more months or maybe even longer. Recognizing that his time may be running out, you can bet that we’ll treat him like the King of the Dogs when he comes home, which includes getting to sleep on the bed with us – something he really, really loves. This will, of course, make Jack insanely jealous, but he’ll just have to deal with it.

Thanks to every one for your support and prayers. Keep it up. They're working!

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