Saturday, May 26, 2012

Scanning old slides


I’ve been struggling for the last few weeks to get my computer back to the level of functionality that I had before the hard drive crash on April 30. Today’s challenge is my Nikon Coolscan IV transparency scanner.

Nikon orphaned it when Windows 7 came out, but I had a software fix that had it working before the crash. I tried to replicate the fix and, so far, haven’t been successful.

The only way I can make it work is to use the XP virtual machine mode in Windows 7 Premium. Microsoft recognized that people had a lot of software that wouldn’t make the jump to Win7 when they upgraded from XP, so they created a feature replicating an XP operating system within Win7. But it’s absurdly laborious to make a scan and move it from the virtual machine to Photoshop CS5 on the regular machine.

Here are a couple of scans of long lost images of my son Sean when he was just starting on his musical career. The top photo is Sean performing on the auditorium stage at Orchard Country Day School in Indianapolis where he went from second through eighth grades.


And here he is with his first electric guitar – an Ibanez copy of a Gibson Les Paul. I always loved the look of that guitar and Sean quickly learned to do great things with it.


Later: I emailed these two photos to Sean and got this email in return:

I see the ESP is in full effect.

Yesterday afternoon, I was telling Ruth about South Pacific and how there's a show within the show, and how we performed SP at Orchard and I played "Blackbird" in my first-ever public performance.

The next morning, this photo was in my inbox.

Thank you Obi-Wan Marshall Flora.

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