Thursday, May 10, 2012

A little family history


The oldest plat map  have from my dad’s collection is from 1941 at a time when my grandfather, Irvin Flora, still owned his 80-acre farm south of Cutler, Ind., west of Ind. 75 and on the north side of what is Carroll County Road 700S today.

florafarmgooglemapsThis is where my dad was born in 1910 and grew up with eight brothers and sisters.


This is how it looks today on the Google Maps satellite view. The house and barn look pretty much the same. I don’t think the round grain bin or white pole barn would have been there before the 1970s.

As I said the other day, my dad’s older brother Joe bought the 80 acres across the road and farmed it for several years.


And here are the Flora kids in the barnyard during the summer of 1915. Herbert, the youngest, died the following February at the age of 17 months. That’s my dad in the center, looking away from the camera. Uncle Joe is in the upper right.

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