Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Autographed photo of the day

doreen gallery

Here’s my friend, Doreen Tracey, one of the original Mickey Mouse Club Mouseketeers. (This is obviously not an Ebay purchase. Doreen sent it to me in 1998.)

Doreen and I have been friends since I interviewed her for The Indianapolis News back in the late-1970s, about the time when she did a couple of nude layouts for Gallery magazine. This series of photos, which didn’t sit well with Disney officials, is part of the second Gallery appearance. I dropped in to spend a Saturday with her on my first motorcycle trip to the West Coast back in 1986 and she gave me the grand tour of Burbank and Hollywood.

Doreen turned 69 on April 13. We exchanged emails and she gave me a call last week to catch up on our lives. She gave up her little bungalow on Glenwood Place in Burbank a year or two ago and moved to a pleasant-looking little yellow house in Simi Valley where she lives with her divorced son and his kids.

She’s recovering from a surgery last year and working on getting back to the level of fitness she enjoyed before the surgery.

Doreen hopes Disney officials, who have finally gotten over the Gallery episode, will go for her proposal for former Mouseketeers to perform on the four ships of the Disney Cruise Line.


  1. Doreen was always my favourite Mouseketeer. My brother was in love with Annette but Doreen was my love. She's only 71 and I'm 66 so maybe still a chance!
