Sunday, April 01, 2012

Suddenly, it’s 1957 again

torani lemon

When I was in junior high school in Delphi, Ind., we were allowed to leave the school for lunch, just like the high school kids.

In those days, the preferred lunch venue was downtown at Bob’s Cafe on Main Street. Whenever I lunched at Bob’s, I ordered a cheeseburger basket (which included fries) and a large lemon Coke.

Lemon Cokes got harder and harder to find with the demise of the traditional soda fountain. In the interest of avoiding sugar, I quit drinking regular Coke a long time ago, switching to Tab, then to Diet Coke and finally Coke Zero. I’ve tried Coke Zero with Lemon, but it just didn’t light me up.

Then, a week ago, I ordered a 1 liter bottle of Torani Lemon Sugar-Free Syrup from At last, I could get the right strength of lemon flavor in a cola! The first bottle cost me $18 and change, but today I found another vendor offering the same product in a three-pack for $23 and change. Woo-freaking-hoo!

Give me a cheeseburger and fries and I’m back in 1957 at Bob’s, hanging with the big kids.

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