Thursday, April 19, 2012

Remembering mom

I subscribe to the Facebook group “You know you are from Delphi Indiana when…” because I am. It’s a place to share memories of life in the Carroll County seat (population when I was there: 2,500) and maybe reconnect with old friends.

My mother, Eileen Flora, was a Registered Nurse and worked most of her career as the office nurse for Dr. George Wagoner in Delphi. People used to call her at home with their medical problems when they couldn’t reach the doctor and it was clear to me that the patients liked and trusted her.

In retrospect, I suppose she was the prototype of what we know as a nurse practitioner today.

I posted this photo of her in the Delphi group last Sunday. It was shot around 1969 or 1970 in the waiting room of Dr. Wagoner’s office on the southwest corner of Main and Market streets in Delphi.

docwagonerofficeI was surprised and charmed by some of the comments it elicited:

Beth Everett Flores I remember how excited your mom was when she found out my sister was going to school to be a nurse. I miss seeing the Mustang parked in her driveway!

Tom Freeman Wow, what memories of your Mom and Dr. George. I understand the first time I met my wife was when my Mom and Susan's Mom were in his waiting room when we were babies. We were born two months apart. I was taken to his office when I had a serious lawnmower accident when I was 13. He also took me to his office at halftime of the last football game when I was a senior. Yep, my ankle was broken. Your Mom gave me a lot of shots as I was growing up. If you had to get a shot, she was the best as the pain was always minimal!

Diane Schnabel LOVED Dr. Wagoner and his nurse. He made several house calls to my house and was my favorite person. Your mother was so kind and gentle.

Janet Nelson Allbaugh I remember your Mom. She was awesome gave inspiration to the nurse I am today.

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