Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not me


When I went through fraternity rush at Indiana State College (later Indiana State University) in the fall of 1963, I decided early in the game that Alpha Tau Omega was the only fraternity on campus that interested me.

I don’t think I even attended a Theta Chi rush party, but when the bids came out I had two – one for ATO and one for Theta Chi, mainly because Dennis Fach, a Theta Chi, thought I would be an asset to his fraternity.

Now, 49 years later, the national Theta Chi organization has decided I’m one of their own. Actually, they have an alumnus with my name – albeit with a different middle initial – who they have guessed is me, with my post office box address here in Arkansas.

The post card I received this week announces the impending publication of the Theta Chi Fraternity Alumnus Member Director 2012 Edition and invites me to call their toll-free number to update “my” information.

My first impulse was to pitch the card, but then it occurred to me that if I let this mistake go uncorrected, I may be hearing from John W. Flora’s Theta Chi brothers and/or prevent W’s bros from tracking him down.

So I called and told them to look elsewhere for W.

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