Saturday, March 03, 2012

Jack’s second session of Puppy School


Puppy School Aussies (from left) Hannah, Cowboy, and Jack. Hannah and Cowboy are minis.

Jack had his second weekly session of Puppy School this morning and made us proud.

He continues to be high spirited, but has more moments of calm than last week. He was very interested in Hannah and Cowboy, the two other Aussies in the class. He met Cowboy last week, but Hannah was new to the class today.

The other dogs in the class are a Great Dane, Dachshund and a miniature Poodle.

All of the dogs took a turn at fetching a ball and Jack was the most accomplished by far. He also has a good handle on “sit,” “focus” and “down.”

The only unfortunate part was when he got car sick on the way home and barfed in his kennel. No problem. I’ll just hose it out.

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